Saturday 7 September 2013

art of doing nothing,,,but still feeling alive

well,what to do when life starts sucking at a time.we feel like what to do and what not to do.when we find no path no direction .life just stops flowing.we get stuck feels like llife trapped by blackhole. yes a blackhole isnt' it? "blackhole"which attracts everything by its huge attractional force and sent towards its epicentre kind of thing. at that time it becomes very difficult for one to escape.

but yeah.where there is nothing ,there is one lsat thing which never dies .its our will power.our intrinsic factor whick keeps us alive.which keeps motivating us.when we feel low ,depressed and sad its our soul which says common man every thing will be al right one day.
it becomes harder and harder when we are doing nothing but still we have to live our life.its not like that a person o this by his just about that good's also about destiny we can say.but yeah,it does not mean that we don't have right to live life happily.

in the hope of that positive ray that it will knock you by its positive vibrations just feel alive.
when your mind stop working think by your heart.practice all those things which makes you energetic. fill up your life with enough music so that there is no space for sorrow.

faith in god should always be there.harder times are the part of life.we have to face.escapism only creates problems.face the challenges by universe.and i have read it somewhere that universe gives challenges to only those selected people whom they wanted to be the strongest one on this earth.
so ,face the challenges happily and feel alive..

sooner and sooner we will find our way in blackhole itself.yeah,its hard to escape out of it but we can make it easy by our patience..have patience in your life and feel alive
mediate enough so that yu always feel happy from is a way to make our life even more include yoga in your life and feel alive.

so far we see how can we feel alive even we are doing nothing..

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